Sunday, January 29, 2012

4H Shooting Sports: Learning by Doing

We just had our 2012 planning meeting at our home this past weekend for the advisors and certified instructors in our 4H Shooting Sports club.  Our club continues to grow and with the current list of potential new members that have expressed interest so far, we're looking at a hundred kids this year.  We even have two of our former 4H kids who have gone on to college and have now been certified as instructors... giving back of their time as volunteers educating the next generation.

There are plenty of rewards and fun for the kids, but as instructors, the wife and I can say that the hard work and time really pays off when you see what the shooting sports can do for our youth.  With our local disciplines of Rifle, Pistol, Shotgun, Muzzle-loading, Archery, and Cowboy Action... there are plenty of opportunities.

We've seen young gals build confidence and self-esteem while we've seen young fellas develop and understand responsibility... and a little humility when they get out-shot by a gal.  Young folks ages eight to eighteen build understanding and skills in safety and the handling of firearms and bows... all through the simple motto of "Learning by Doing".

If you enjoy shooting and exercising your Second Amendment rights as much as we do, you may want to consider if you might have some time and energy to give back in the form of helping others.  You don't have to be a Marine Scout Sniper or nationally ranked competitive shooter... you just need to have the interest and time to help and educate others... young and old alike.

Whether it would be as an NRA instructor, helping at a local gun club, assisting with the Boy Scouts, working with an Appleseed event in your area, or whatever opportunities you might have... consider taking the next step, maybe even with your local 4H clubs and help the youth in 4H Shooting Sports: Learning by Doing.


  1. Another suggestion. For those who are new and may not think they are in a position to teach yet, most conservation/gun clubs are always looking for people to help set up when they have matches. I've helped set up a couple that I wasn't going to participate in, just watch. It was fun, I met some good folks, and I learned a lot.

  2. that is awesome! We have done the appleseed shoot. But did not know about 4H until your post. So I am going to check in to that. Thnx!

  3. Great idea! Giving back is always a win-win for all involved!

  4. @Brigid... you make a terrific point... folks can meet some other great folks while helping to set up for an IDPA match, a skeet shoot, three-gun, or even something like a cowboy action event...

    Dann in Ohio
